Monday, December 15, 2014

I finally got around to playing Crystal, and here's my thoughts on it. *HEAVY SPOILERS*

Firstly, the Trainers with PokeGear numbers FINALLY got their own personalities. It's nice to see something besides nonsense that is literally the exact same between trainers and which made you wonder why it was even included in Gold and Silver.

Secondly, I really enjoyed them adding Suicune to the plot. The showdown in Tin Tower - that music...they really should've adapted that subplot for HGSS instead of the wild goose chase into Kanto we got. I mean really, I'd take an epic boss battle in the middle of an ancient tower, with Ho-Oh implied to be making its way to the rooftop, over a random battle on a cape outside Cerulean City. Wouldn't you?

Thirdly, the Odd Egg...why was this a thing again? An Egg...which hatches into Smoochum? What's the point?

Fourthly, changes to the wild Pokemon lists. I really enjoy seeing the first couple routes bolstered with different Pokemon not there in Gold and Silver.

In the meantime, I've been taking a break from it.

Namely, because Lance continually manages to kick my ass somehow, even though my team is a Haunter, a Togetic, a Typhlosion, and Suicune - soon to be joined by Raikou and Entei. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?! I had no trouble in Gold...never mind, Crystal is a good challenge.

Well, that concludes my little mini-review on the main story of Crystal.

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